228 – no ‘E’

So to kill two birds with on* ston*, I thought I’d put this post up as my ‘daily prompt‘ as w*ll. I don’t do th* daily prompt as it says, but w*ll, actually I gu*ss this would b* only my s*cond tim*. I did a quick ch*ck on Wikip*dia on l*tt*r fr*qu*ncy, and I just chos* th* first l*tt*r in that whol* string.. th* l*tt*r ‘*’. And so to mak* things int*r*sting, I’v* d*l*t*d *V*RY singl* ‘*’ from this post, and r*plac*d it with an ‘*’. If you can’t und*rstand what I’v* writt*n, sorry. It’s not a big d*al, r*ally. I gu*ss just go*s to show that *v*ry l*tt*r is important.

Th*r* ar* 26 l*tt*rs in th* *nglish languag*, and w* n**d *v*ry singl* on* of th*m. Want proof? Choos* a l*tt*r and writ* a blog post without using it. (F**ling r*ally brav*? Make it a vow*l!)



On my way to work, I notic*d that that this guy has solv*d his parking probl*ms. ha! W*ll, not r*ally.

Actually, parking in Japan is quit* a pain in the butt. *ither you hav* a parking spac*, you don’t hav* on*, you r*nt on*, or pay by th* hour. Parking on the str**t is difficult too in many plac*s becaus* of th* width of th* str**ts. Som* plac*s it is just impossibl*.

So with land at such a pr*mium, it s**ms strang* to s** conv*ni*nc* stor*s taking up so much land spac* for th*ir parking lots. But it do*s bring in the custom*rs that’s for sur*! Ch*ck out my post h*r*.

p.s. if you hav*n’t notic*d, I’m not avoiding any l*tt*r at all! lol

7 thoughts on “228 – no ‘E’

  1. Pingback: The season of growth and other thoughts on London | The Ineffable and Unutterable Musings Of A Mad Man

  2. Pingback: LEFT FOR DEAD | hastywords

  3. Pingback: LEFT FOR DEAD | hastywords

  4. Pingback: It’s The Wrong Season – A Daily Prompt Post | Edward Hotspur

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